It was great to catch up with Pack Ethic’s Eric Bellows in today’s episode of Bark Radio. Hear about what’s been happening at the sanctuary this last year, important legislation that we all need to support, and a great event that’s happening at Pack Ethic tomorrow, Saturday, July 28. If you can’t make it to the sanctuary, check out their great videos on YouTube, visit their website and follow them on Facebook. If you aren’t supporting a rescue, make it this one. Eric and company do amazing work with abused dogs!
Archive for the 'Animal_Cruelty' Category
The Richmond SPCA recently received 16 dogs rescued from a puppy mill in Missouri. According to the SPCA, “They have been brave little survivors to get this far and we will make sure that they now get much needed care and loving homes for the remainder of their lives.” Great work! But remember, Bark Radio listeners, puppy mills sell directly to pet stores. Yes, that’s where those cute puppies come from. Stop buying puppies from pet stores and begin the process of putting puppy mills out of business. Next up: PETA‘s position on pit bulls and the trial of brothers in Baltimore City accused of pouring gas on dog named Phoenix and lighting her on fire. To round out the bad news, what kind of person can a person leave a puppy to die in a landfill?
Sheriff Joe Arpaio is TOO COOL! Hear all about his innovative use of a prison. It’s a win-win for animals, prisoners, and the budget. From hero to villain, the next story falls under the heading “what the heck is wrong with people?” as a girl is videotaped throwing puppies into a river. Then there is the disturbing trend of some foster pets being abandoned. And, finally, who is Stu (or is it Stew?)
Gracie, one of Michael Vick’s dogs, was in the news recently. Hear about Gracie’s new life and her friend, Michelle. Next, the conversation turns to other Vick dogs in the news. And it’s mostly GREAT news. Bravo to all the folks who were part of rescuing these fabulous dogs, including Jonny Justice. In today’s episode there is also a shout-out to the Richmond Animal League. Visit their website and check out the summer newsletter to get more details about the dog formerly known as Emily.
This is the first episode ever of Bark Radio that does not deal with dogs. So why Wild Mustangs? Because at this very moment there are more Wild Mustangs in government holding pens than in the wild. Because the Bureau of Land Management is “managing” the herds to extinction. The story of these beautiful horses and their family units – now being ripped apart – is way too reminiscent of the history of Native Americans. Don’t miss this informative interview with Maureen from Grassroots Horse.
Rather than protecting and serving, Richmond cop David Robinson was busted recently for dog fighting. What’s up with that? The good news is he lost his job and got 14 months in jail. Sadly many of the dogs this horrible man had on his property were not lucky enough to survive. This story leads to a discussion of Breed Specific Legislation and a reminder to judge the deed not the breed. The conversation ends on a positive note: good people doing great things for dogs, including Rescue Ink and Best Friends Animal Society.
Eric Bellows is a man on a mission. His mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and find forever homes for dogs. Many of Eric’s dogs are what he refers to as “power” breeds. Eric lives with and loves his dogs on 25 acres in upstate New York. He tells us there are no kennels or crates there. Eric’s dogs live as a pack – eating, sleeping and playing together with their humans. Visit Pack Ethic’s website and Eric’s YouTube channel. You will be inspired. And if his name sounds familiar, Eric is one of the great guys from Rescue Ink.
Courage. It’s an appropriate name of the brave German Shepherd who was nearly starved to death by his owner. This boy is in a foster home now, slowly gaining weight and the use of his atrophied muscles. The good news in today’s episode: Virginia’s governor is pushing for better dog laws. Thank you, Governor McDonnell! Finally, Terry and Dee encourage their listeners to step up to the plate and do SOMETHING positive in the dog world. Volunteer, folks. It’s important!
Terry and Dee update listeners on wonderful Ray, a former Vick Pit Bull living at Best Friends. He passed his Canine Good Citizen test and is waiting for his forever home. Congratulations Ray and bravo Best Friends! And have you heard of Oreo’s Law? Oreo’s tragic story may result in a NY law that will protect dogs in the future, another step toward a no-kill nation. Oh, and SHAME ON THE ASPCA FOR EUTHANIZING OREO!!!! And finally the co-hosts share tips for keeping your dogs safe during the winter months.
Heroes. Terry and Dee love people who stand up for animals’ rights. There is a whole pack of ’em showing up Friday nights at 10 pm EST on the National Geographic channel. Rescue Ink is about “a bunch of tattooed, motorcycle-riding tough guys who have joined together to fight animal cruelty, educate abusers and help resolve situations other rescue groups can’t – or won’t – handle themselves.” Next, the conversation turned to a CCI Coldstone Creamery fundraising update and finally, the “Find It” game for you and your dog.