Bark Radio welcomes author/journalist Michelle Sathe in today’s episode. Hear about Michelle and Loren, the beautiful Pit mix’s journey through 29 states – meeting animal welfare advocates and visiting shelters along the way. Homeless pets need a voice and Michelle provides one in this great story of the human/canine connection.
Archive for the 'BSL' Category
Maggie Martin rocks. With BlogPaws West taking place in Denver – and Denver having notoriously BAD breed specific legislation – Maggie launched a postcard campaign. Exceeding her expectations, Maggie received better than 1500 postcards from all over the world. Get the details of that campaign in this interview with Emmett’s mom (that’s him below). Keep up with Maggie on her OhMyDog blog.
Dee travels to Denver this week for BlogPaws, so we are revisiting a recent episode of Bark Radio about Breed Specific Legislation (BSL). The Department of Justice (DOJ) is tackling breed discrimination. Why? Because Denver has a 25-year-old law banning pit bull type dogs. So what has that city done that got the attention of the Feds???? They seized a veteran’s service dog. Big fat mistake. Why? Because Federal law trumps local law and in this case it is the DOJ’s Americans with Disabilities Act that trumps Denver local law. Want to tell the mayor of Denver what you think of his city’s antiquated law? Join Oh My Dog’s postcard campaign.
Gracie, one of Michael Vick’s dogs, was in the news recently. Hear about Gracie’s new life and her friend, Michelle. Next, the conversation turns to other Vick dogs in the news. And it’s mostly GREAT news. Bravo to all the folks who were part of rescuing these fabulous dogs, including Jonny Justice. In today’s episode there is also a shout-out to the Richmond Animal League. Visit their website and check out the summer newsletter to get more details about the dog formerly known as Emily.
Rather than protecting and serving, Richmond cop David Robinson was busted recently for dog fighting. What’s up with that? The good news is he lost his job and got 14 months in jail. Sadly many of the dogs this horrible man had on his property were not lucky enough to survive. This story leads to a discussion of Breed Specific Legislation and a reminder to judge the deed not the breed. The conversation ends on a positive note: good people doing great things for dogs, including Rescue Ink and Best Friends Animal Society.