Do NOT take your dog for a ride in the car and then leave him in the car. He can die in there! And if you take your dog out in the world with you in extreme weather, learn how to protect those doggy pads. And what about exercising your dog in hot weather? We have answers for that, too! So where do you get the products we talk about in today’s episode? Follow the links: booties, Musher’s Secret, treadmill.
Archive for the 'Health' Category
Veterinarian Lori Pasternak and sidekick Jackie Morasco talked with Dee recently about the lumps and bumps she routinely removes from dogs and cats. A full 60% of her practice is removing growths from animals. Did you know that you can reduce the probability of breast cancer in your pet by 85% by spaying her? Learn all about cysts, mast cell tumors, and why size matters. Check out Helping Hands Veterinary Surgical and Dental Care. And don’t miss Pasternak’s column in Bark Radio’s sister publication, Woofs ‘n Wags, beginning in April.
Are you looking for a natural way to calm your dog? Does your dog have itchy skin or suffer from car sickness? If the answer is yes, be sure to listen to today’s interview with Patty from Zen Paws. It’s all about aromatherapy for dogs. Patty also tells us about her aromatherapy buckwheat pet bed.
Today’s episode starts with some new summer time warnings to keep your dogs safe, then goes right into cancer fighting foods like blueberries and green tea. Next, does your dog get car sick? If so, you’ll want to know about this natural remedy to make road trips a happy time. And who knew there was so many new products related to what comes out of Fido. It seems dog poop is becoming really big business. Did you know there is a composting system specifically designed for dog waste? Then there is the Doggy Doo Drain, poop freeze, and even an indoor potty solution for dogs. Wowzer!
Holy mackerel, paper shredders are dangerous to your dog. Hear why in today’s episode. Next, someone has finally come up with a use for dog hair! And what’s this about Cardiac Friends? Heart rehab patients are walking dogs in Wisconsin. And finally, did you know there are behavioral side effects of canine thyroid disorder and there is herbal support for canine diabetes?
November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month. Terry and Dee spoke with Joanne Silverman, director of Fetch-a-Cure recently about the organization’s mission and the many events on tap for November. FETCH a Cure will promote its See Spots campaign by partnering with Richmond merchants in honor of fighting pet cancer, the deadliest of diseases. Participating sponsors will donate part of the sales from specified items or services to See Spots, meaning you can help our furry friends simply by frequenting the See Spots participants. Make it your goal to raise canine cancer awareness and funds for FETCH a Cure. Learn more.
Keep your dogs safe this winter with Dee and Terry’s cold weather tips. If your dog spends a lot of time outside, bring him in more during cold winter months. Is your dog getting up there in years? Just like people, older dogs’ joints hurt more in cold weather, so make Fido comfortable with a cushy dog bed. The discussion continues with the top ten poisons that can harm or even kill your dog. Listen up. Beware. Keep your pets safe! For more information on toxic substances, use keyword “poison” on Bark Radio’s site. For a complete list of toxic plants, go to the ASPCA’s site. The ASPCA’s poison control center is at 888.426.4435.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Dee and Terry discuss a great organization that supports military working dogs serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since the military does not provide these dogs with necessary hot weather gear, you can help by donating to this project. Starline, a military Mom, uses donations to buy cooling vests, doggles, booties, and ear protection for these great dogs. Come on, Bark Radio listeners. Donate today! Today’s episode also includes conversation about how the summer heat can negatively impact your dog.
Dee was solo recently in Oxford, Mississippi. She was there to attend a Diabetic Alert Dog Workshop hosted by Mike Stewart at his world-renown Wildrose Kennels. Mike and some of his dogs were featured on the cover of Forbes magazine in April. Dee’s interview is with Mike and Cathy Stewart; the Thortons – Rachel (the woman responsible for making the workshop happen and one of our heroes), daughters Lydia and Abi – with her diabetic alert dog, Mr. Darcy; and the Boyd family from South Carolina – father Richard, mother Stacy, and son Reb, with his new puppy, Lilly, a 3-1/2 month old fox red Lab from Wildrose. Lilly is being trained as Reb’s diabetic alert dog. For more information, visit our diabetic alert dog blog. You can also become a fan of Wildrose on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.
Dee and Terry talk about Drooly Dogs and cosmetic surgery. Surrey’s got an infection that’s making her grumpy and that is causing issues at daycare. Then there are cool doggy water bottles and Billy the rescued Newfoundland who is blind in one eye.