Bark Radio salutes military working dogs in this Memorial Day special edition. Have you heard of the war dog memorial at Hartsdale Pet Cemetery in New York? How about canine hero Sergeant Stubby? And then there is Silver Star and Purple Heart winner canine Chips. Chips’ original citation read: “For a special brand of courage, arising from love of master and duty. Chips’ courageous act, single-handedly eliminating a dangerous machine-gun nest, reflects the highest credit on himself and the military service.” Sadly, Chips was then stripped of his medals and ultimately died of his war injuries. Like so many before and after him, Chips gave his all.
Archive for the 'Holiday' Category
In the season’s final holiday special, Terry and Dee talk with bully breed advocate Mike Vermette, co-founder of Mike’s Dog House. Mike and Goldie do way more than rescue dogs. They educate. And they strive for optimal placement of their dogs through temperament testing, socialization, complete vetting, and best of all – matching the right dog with the right family. AND … they create new programs like Paws for Vets which will provide free service dogs to veterans. Mike’s vision is to partner pit bull service dogs with Vietnam era veterans – two misunderstood populations. This is a great conversation. Listen in and then give generously! Dee and Terry also caught up with Joanne Silverman from Fetch-A-Cure. FETCH was founded and run by those who have been faced with cancer and inevitable aging in their own pets. The organization focuses on issues of pet health, specifically cancer and aging, and provides owners with the resources to recognize symptoms of early cancer. Through the establishment of their Companions in Crisis program, FETCH is working to provide financial aid to families unable to bear the high costs of cancer treatment and rehabilitation. Listen in and learn more!
Looking for inspiration this holiday season? Two women, two dogs, two amazing stories. Terry and Dee caught up with Desiree, the long distance trucker, whose story touched their hearts earlier in the year. Since that original interview in July, Desiree and her dog Karma have shared their story with nearly 5000 followers on Twitter and appeared on national TV. Desiree is an advocate for distance truckers and Karma is her constant companion. Follow them at The second conversation on this holiday special is with Jamie Whitt, first interviewed by Bark Radio in May. Jamie is a hero. And Ceasar is the man! Well, actually Ceasar is dog. A big, beautiful Pit Bull with a face to melt your heart. When these two met, Ceasar had been thrown away – no longer useful as a bait dog in a Texas dog fighting ring. He had horrible injuries including a mangled front leg. Jamie rescued Ceasar. Jamie fell in love with the big lug. Ceasar had that mangled leg amputated, healed physically and emotionally, and earned his AKC Canine Good Citizen certification. What’s next on Ceasar’s agenda? Testing to become a therapy dog. Follow Jamie and Ceasar at