Marcus Luttrell’s book, Lone Survivor, tells the story of his four-member Navy SEAL team. He was the only survivor of a mission into Afghanistan and Pakistan called Operation Redwing. Luttrell retired from the Marines in 2007. In 2009 tragedy struck this decorated soldier. His dog, DASY, was shot dead outside Luttrell’s home. Finally, the men who killed his dog went to trial. Learn the outcome on today’s episode of Bark Radio. ::: Military Working Dogs (MWDs) were long considered property by the military. Thanks to Bill Clinton, that changed in 2000. However, more change is needed. Toward that end, two members of the U.S. House of Representatives recently introduced H.R. 4103/2134: the Canine Members of the Armed Forces Act. Help make this bill a reality by writing or calling your representative and senators and ask them to co-sponsor H.R. 4103. Do it for the dogs. And do it for their handlers.
Archive for the 'Military Working Dogs' Category
Mechanical sniffers on Hummers? Get a grip. The leader of the Pentagon’s multi-billion-dollar military task force to stop improvised bombs FINALLY gets that there is nothing in the U.S. arsenal for bomb detection more powerful than a dog’s nose.
Dee and Terry discuss a great organization that supports military working dogs serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since the military does not provide these dogs with necessary hot weather gear, you can help by donating to this project. Starline, a military Mom, uses donations to buy cooling vests, doggles, booties, and ear protection for these great dogs. Come on, Bark Radio listeners. Donate today! Today’s episode also includes conversation about how the summer heat can negatively impact your dog.
Okay, Bark Radio listeners, we do from time to time get ahead of ourselves with special events and interviews. That’s the case with this, Episode 16. This is where you will hear our first mention of Hudson, Murphy and Luke of – oops – after our interview with one of them and even after an update from puppy Mommy, Ginger. But that’s okay. If you haven’t listened to those interviews, do it now. They’re great! Also in this episode, learn about a new venue for Dee and her therapy dog, Murphy – the local domestic violence shelter. And do you know what a crisis therapy dog is? Listen and find out. This information-filled episode also includes one of Terry’s favorites, the Military Working Dogs Cooling Vest Project and, finally, a bit of diatribe about puppy mills. More on that subject in future episodes.