What’s up, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals? Dogs and cats into rescue WITHOUT an adoption mechanism? In with no out? Wrong wrong wrong! But then after a deep breath, Terry and Dee move onto a happy tale, that of Baxter the therapy dog. Baxter started his career as a therapy dog late in life, so yes … you can teach an old dog new tricks. Fabulous story! Last but not least, a reminder of ways to get Fido out in the world during the long winter.
Archive for the 'Podcasts' Category
Terry and Dee welcome listeners to 2010 with a sneak peek at some of this year’s interviewees. Next, get ready, get set … spring is right around the corner. Does your dog need a quick obedience fix to prepare her for all those outings this spring? And finally, hear about Surrey’s experience with limp tail.
Dee and Terry discuss the difference between therapy and service dogs. Hear why Dee considers therapy dog work the best volunteer gig ever. Interested in learning more? Join our Life’s Journey Therapy Dog group on Facebook. Need a trainer? Check out Dee’s website or go to APDT’s site to search for a positive dog trainer near you. Therapy dogs are registered, in the U.S., with one of these organizations: Delta Society, Therapy Dogs International, or Therapy Dogs Inc.
Bad things sometimes happen to good dogs. Terry and Dee discuss the Chesterfield, VA animal control officer who shot a 10-year-old Beagle – in front of the Beagle’s family. Here’s the online story. Have an opinion on this one? You can send an email to Chesterfield County Animal Control. Mr. Donald Rose is the officer’s supervisor. Or call and speak your mind: 804.748.1683. From bad bad dog news, the co-hosts move on to a happier subject. Reviewing DogSport magazine, they learn about …. not yoga, but Doga. And finally, get the facts about canine cancer from the Morris Animal Foundation. Need a new tag for your poochie? A dollar from each of these goes to the MAF.
Bark Radio co-hosts Terry and Dee talk in today’s episode about programs that move animals from point A to point B and ultimately to forever homes. Check out Pilots n Paws. Theses great folks fly dogs all over the country. Bravo! Then there’s ground transport. Terry and his wife, Vickie, recently drove a leg of a ground transport for Catahoula Leopard Dog through the Rescue Railroad. That’s the beautiful pup, below. Last but not least: beware of products for your animals that are made in China!
Terry and Dee update listeners on wonderful Ray, a former Vick Pit Bull living at Best Friends. He passed his Canine Good Citizen test and is waiting for his forever home. Congratulations Ray and bravo Best Friends! And have you heard of Oreo’s Law? Oreo’s tragic story may result in a NY law that will protect dogs in the future, another step toward a no-kill nation. Oh, and SHAME ON THE ASPCA FOR EUTHANIZING OREO!!!! And finally the co-hosts share tips for keeping your dogs safe during the winter months.
Today Bark Radio co-hosts Terry and Dee give thanks for the dogs, people and organizations they have connected with this year … all because of their internet radio show. A great big shout-out to Bark Radio listeners, without whom they would be talking to themselves. And, finally, Dee and Terry want to take this opportunity to express their gratitude their own dogs, past and present, for teaching them all the really important life lessons. Happy Thanksgiving!
That’s Terry with the two handsome Rottweilers he met recently. In this episode of Bark Radio, Terry shares his first experience as part of an animal transport team. Learn how dogs are rescued, then moved along a pipeline of volunteers to a destination with a rescue group (in this case breed specific). There they will be safe until their new family finds them and they move into their forever homes. These two sweet Rotties would have died in a kill shelter in Georgia were it not for the heroism of a few good people. Be like them. Volunteer today.
Holidays can be a stressful time for our dogs. Dee and Terry discuss everything from Christmas tree safety to holiday parties in this episode of Bark Radio. Great stocking stuffer for the doggy people in your life: Patricia McConnell’s How to Be the Leader of the Pack and Have Your Dogs Love You For It. Available at Amazon for on $3.95.
The Leader of the Pack by Patricia McConnell