Heroes. Terry and Dee love people who stand up for animals’ rights. There is a whole pack of ’em showing up Friday nights at 10 pm EST on the National Geographic channel. Rescue Ink is about “a bunch of tattooed, motorcycle-riding tough guys who have joined together to fight animal cruelty, educate abusers and help resolve situations other rescue groups can’t – or won’t – handle themselves.” Next, the conversation turned to a CCI Coldstone Creamery fundraising update and finally, the “Find It” game for you and your dog.
Archive for the 'Podcasts' Category
Saint Francis Animal Sanctuary in Ohio takes in special needs animals, especially dogs. Don’t miss this very special interview with Deborah Parker. This wonderful woman is an inspiration to all animal lovers. Learn more at www.saintfrancisanimalsanctuary.org and donate generously to this worthy cause.

Terry and Dee talked recently with Shanna from Bully Paws rescue in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Like so many people in the rescue community, Shanna and her team of volunteers are overwhelmed with the number of dogs who need homes. Yes, the economy has made it worse. There are not enough foster homes. Volunteer today. Adopt today. Give generously to this and all rescue groups. They are all bursting at the seams.
Keep your dogs safe this winter with Dee and Terry’s cold weather tips. If your dog spends a lot of time outside, bring him in more during cold winter months. Is your dog getting up there in years? Just like people, older dogs’ joints hurt more in cold weather, so make Fido comfortable with a cushy dog bed. The discussion continues with the top ten poisons that can harm or even kill your dog. Listen up. Beware. Keep your pets safe! For more information on toxic substances, use keyword “poison” on Bark Radio’s site. For a complete list of toxic plants, go to the ASPCA’s site. The ASPCA’s poison control center is at 888.426.4435.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Terry and Dee talk about the fundraiser at Cold Stone Creamery to benefit Canine Companions for Independence. Hear about the latest Nutro recall. Beware of hard hats in dog food! And dog jobs: dogs diagnosing cancer. And sniffing out bed bugs. Wow! Are doggy unions coming next? And, finally, listen up insurance companies: service dogs are part of preventative health care.
Terry and Dee discuss service dogs for veterans with post-traumatic stress syndrome. Dogs are also being trained for individuals with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and anxiety disorders. Awesome successes! Next, Terry shares his experience with putting his dogs on raw diets. Check out Dr. Tracy Lord’s site for more information about homemade diets and suggested vitamin supplements.
Dee and Terry discuss puppy development on today’s episode of Bark Radio. Learn what’s going on with your new pup from her early weeks through young adulthood. Get tips on working through potential fear issues and learn that with the advent of positive dog training, your pup’s obedience training can begin as soon as you bring her home.
Dee and Terry discuss puppy mills in today’s episode of Bark Radio. What is a puppy mill? It is a mass dog breeding operation. Where are puppy mill puppies sold? Usually in pet stores or online. Never, ever buy a puppy from a pet store! Looking at breeders online? Research carefully to ensure the breeder is reputable. And think twice about buying that puppy. Consider adopting an adult dog from a rescue group instead. Do you consider yourself a responsible pet parent? If so, do your part right. Take the HSUS pledge to stop puppy mills!
A great time was had by all at Tuesday night’s University of Richmond vs. VCU men’s soccer game in Richmond, VA. Terry and Dee were there and had a chance to talk with some terrific folks. Listen to today’s interview and learn more about Friday’s march on Washington, DC for canine cancer research. Luke Robinson, Hudson and Murphy, the Great Pyrenees, and their Mommy G talked with us (well, two of them did), as did Joanne Silverman, Director of Fetch-A-Cure.
Terry and Dee discuss the recent meeting between the Philadelphia Eagles and animal rescue groups. Might some good come of it? Continuing the dog fighting theme, you need to know about the Humane Society of the United States’ animal fighting tip line. There is no place for the barbaric practice of dog fighting in our society. Do YOU know of a dog fighting ring? You can stop it. Step up to the plate today. Call the tip line at 877-TIP-HSUS. Stepping away for those nasty people who prey on animals, learn about a new Bark Radio project called The Pets Project, benefiting not only rescue groups but elder-care communities.