Terry went on the road recently and had a blast at the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants’ annual conference. Hear Terry talk about animal intervention therapy that Dr. Aubrey Fine implemented decades ago. Then there was the session about what to feed your dog. Unfortunately, no new conclusions were shared in that one. But … training all kinds of critters including those giant hissing cockroaches was way fun!
Archive for the 'Podcasts' Category
Dog rescue groups are in the business of saving, re-homing, and sometimes even re-jobbing dogs, right? Well, not always. Too often there seems to be a disconnect among individuals within the rescue world. Misinformation abounds. Hear Terry’s personal experience relating to a Kim, a service dog in need of a new home. That’s Kim in the photo below. More about her journey in a future episode of Bark Radio.
The Nitro’s Foundation exists because of a tragedy in Ohio. How would YOU feel if you boarded your dog and your dog DIED while at the boarding facility? This story started four years ago. Support the family who lost this beautiful Rottie as they try to change the law. Next, a real feel-good story about Twix, the chocolate Lab and an amazing emergency veterinary clinic, VRCC. And to our Bark Radio listeners: Follow us on Facebook and subscribe to our podcasts on iTunes! WooF!!
Marcus Luttrell’s book, Lone Survivor, tells the story of his four-member Navy SEAL team. He was the only survivor of a mission into Afghanistan and Pakistan called Operation Redwing. Luttrell retired from the Marines in 2007. In 2009 tragedy struck this decorated soldier. His dog, DASY, was shot dead outside Luttrell’s home. Finally, the men who killed his dog went to trial. Learn the outcome on today’s episode of Bark Radio. ::: Military Working Dogs (MWDs) were long considered property by the military. Thanks to Bill Clinton, that changed in 2000. However, more change is needed. Toward that end, two members of the U.S. House of Representatives recently introduced H.R. 4103/2134: the Canine Members of the Armed Forces Act. Help make this bill a reality by writing or calling your representative and senators and ask them to co-sponsor H.R. 4103. Do it for the dogs. And do it for their handlers.
Magic happens. That was the case for a hound mix who was removed from a local kill shelter by the great folks at Richmond Animal League. At about the same time, Sue Kindred, Chief Navigator of Service Dogs 411, put the word out that she needed a facility dog for a retirement community. Sarah Clinton at RAL thought that little hound mix might fit the bill. Hear all about Kiyla, the hound dog who will have a BIG HUGE WONDERFUL life, in today’s episode of Bark Radio.
Wow, a service dog for an young man with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome – how amazing is that? You HAVE to read this article. This incredible Golden Retriever has changed a family’s life forever, thanks to Karen Shirk and her organization, 4 Paws for Ability.
Tuscaloosa K9 Camp is struggling to rebuild after tornadoes destroyed their facility in 2011. Located in Berry, AL, the facility took a direct hit on 4/27/2011. The camp was completely destroyed, trainers (who live on site) were severely injured, and a total of 22 service animals and pets lost their lives! As we all pitch in to help people affected by this storm and the surrounding areas, let’s not forget about our furry friends/companions who enrich our lives so much! Donations are desperately needed! Send to Tuscaloosa K9 Camp, 366 Willcutt Rd., Berry, AL 35546. On another note, Terry and Dee discuss why dogs lose their homes and end up in rescues. Understanding your dog will go a long way toward ensuring this doesn’t happen to you. Start with The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs by Patricia McConnell. Check out Dee’s ‘recommended reading’ list for more great dog books.
Spring means warmer temps, allergy season, and fundraisers. Live in central Virginia? Get those pups out to the Richmond SPCA’s Dog Jog & 5K Run on March 24 and Richmond Animal League’s Woofstock on April 28. Google “animal rescue” and the name of the town where you live to find your local rescue groups and support them! “Phones for Bones” and a thrift store are two more ways Richmond Animal League raises money to help the animals. Next on today’s Bark Radio, Terry and Dee talk about pet sitters. They have great ones … do you?
Join Terry, Dee, Surrey, Sparky and special guest Koda as they discuss canine body language. Dogs communicate constantly and consistently to each other without words. Do YOU know how to interpret what your dog is saying? Know your dog’s body language … know your dog. Check out Terry’s favorite reads on this subject below. ~ WooF
Two of my favorite books on canine body language are Canine Body Language: A Photographic Guide Interpreting the Native Language of the Domestic Dog by Brenda Aloff and the second is On Talking Terms With Dogs: Calming Signals by Turid Rugaas and is specific to calming signals. ~ Terry