In honor of President’s Day in the U.S., Bark Radio offers up just a few of the dogs who have inhabited the White House. In the news recently … Pit Bull saves Poodle. Now there’s a story you don’t hear every day. And what’s the best cure for obesity in kids? We think it’s a dog!
Archive for the 'Podcasts' Category
Terry’s all over the Silvia Trkman class he’s auditing. She is well known in the agility world but today’s conversation is about teaching unusual tricks. Very cool stuff!
Sadly, the jury in the Baltimore City trial of Travers and Tremayne Johnson did not find the brothers guilty of felony animal cruelty. If setting a dog on fire doesn’t constitute extreme animal cruelty, what does? The hung jury obviously had at least one idiot on it. Phoenix deserves better! Next up: noise aversion training for dogs who pull on leash … does the Dog-e-Walk work? And what’s that we hear? Professional athletes taking a stand AGAINST dog fighting? Mixed Martial Arts Middleweight Champion Jake Shields is but one of many fighters doing the right thing through Knock Out Dog Fighting. 4 paws way up on this one!
Terry is taking a canine logic class and that is the topic of discussion in today’s episode. Training tools discussed range from the very cool to the totally wrong. First up, cool: the K9 C’Mere for a reliable recall. Wrong: chains that do what? Cool again: the Snappy trap for counter surfing. And what is House doing on Bark Radio? Clicker training? Really ….
In today’s episode of Bark Radio, hear about Virginia’s HB2063 that will provide protection for pets whose families experience domestic violence. Next, did you know there was another dog food recall from Merrick? That’s five in the last 12 months. What the heck is going on in their manufacturing facilities? And, finally, today’s feel-good story: do you remember Cindy Williams from Laverne and Shirley? She is currently in a stage play that incorporates local shelter dogs in each performance. How cool is that?
Thanks to all those animal lovers who stopped Virginia House Bill 2482 in its tracks. This dreadful bill would have undone 20 years of progress for abused animals. Another bit of good news: it is the one-year anniversary of Vicktory Dog Handsome Dan’s new life. Talk about a poster boy for rescue and rehabilitation! And have you checked out the ASPCA’s Virtual Behaviorist?
The Richmond SPCA recently received 16 dogs rescued from a puppy mill in Missouri. According to the SPCA, “They have been brave little survivors to get this far and we will make sure that they now get much needed care and loving homes for the remainder of their lives.” Great work! But remember, Bark Radio listeners, puppy mills sell directly to pet stores. Yes, that’s where those cute puppies come from. Stop buying puppies from pet stores and begin the process of putting puppy mills out of business. Next up: PETA‘s position on pit bulls and the trial of brothers in Baltimore City accused of pouring gas on dog named Phoenix and lighting her on fire. To round out the bad news, what kind of person can a person leave a puppy to die in a landfill?
The one that got away: On Toby’s Terms. The interview was scheduled with author Charmaine Hammond but somehow the phone connection, Canada to the U.S., didn’t work. Soon, very soon, we will talk with Charmaine about this great dog and share that interview with our listeners. Next up: Many Paths, Terry’s dream, is coming true. Where will his nonprofit begin? With a shelter to service dog program. Specifically Psych Dogs for Veterans with PTSD. Rock on, Terry! And Dee has a new project as well. Check out her quarterly online magazine, Woofs ‘n Wags. It all about dogs and the people who love them. The theme of the first issue is Breed Specific Legislation. It’s going to be a big year here at Bark Radio. Don’t miss a single episode!
One of today’s discussions is about skewed dog data. Terry and Dee encourage you to beware of information that is incomplete or misleading. And the good news? There is an insurance company out there with policy in place that does NOT discriminate against homeowners who have certain dog breeds. Hartford Financial Services Group “is potentially making underwriting concessions if we can demonstrate responsible dog ownership,” said Sarah Cook, assistant vice president of Hartford. “Eligible dog owners include owners of American Staffordshire Terriers and Rottweilers, two breeds that were once ineligible for coverage.” Read all about this common sense approach that includes the requirement of an AKC Canine Good Citizen certification.
Service dogs aren’t just for the blind and people in wheelchairs. In this episode Dee and Terry discuss kinds of service dogs, changes in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) language pertaining to service dogs, and service dogs in schools. Below LuLu, a 9-month-old Diabetic Alert Dog in training, demonstrates how a service dog can be taught to push a handicapped door button. Her “service dog” vest identifies her as a working “service animal” with all the rights provided by the ADA.