President Obama calls Eagles owner to congratulate him on giving Vick a second chance? Huh? Really???? Read about it here. And a GREAT follow up response from Francis Battista from Best Friends Animal Society. Terry and Dee also discuss a disturbing new trend – Cane Corsos getting dumped at rescues. Then there’s the GREAT hero from Buford GA ~WooF
Archive for the 'Podcasts' Category
Terry and Dee slowed down just long enough to look back at some of the great folks they interviewed in 2010. Thanks to all of you and those we didn’t have time to mention. You are what makes Bark Radio rock!
It took veteran Steven Woods five weeks to get his dog Mimi back. Mimi is once again providing this young man with the kind of unconditional love we all need. The story doesn’t have a perfect ending – because Mimi has been labeled a dangerous dog. But they are together … and that’s the most important thing. Next, in this episode, we have an update on Stubby the War Hero. Go Smithsonian! And we have an update on one of our favorite bully boys, Ceasar.
Breed Specific Legislation is once again the topic of discussion. And it’s rant time at Bark Radio. The folks down under have apparently lost their minds and then there the U.S.’s very own … Texas. Get a grip people. This is insanity.
Seer Farms in NJ is a haven for family pets who need a temporary home. Learn more about the great work Laura Pople is doing in today’s episode of Bark Radio. Next up, dog bites are not linked to breeds. A scientific study proves it. About time!
Terry talked recently with John Garcia of Best Friends Animal Society, the largest no-kill facility in the country. John is a dog trainer and co-manager of Dogtown at Best Friends. Hear John’s take on the “controlled chaos” that ensues – working daily with a wide array of animals.
Keep those pets safe and stress-free this holiday season. Terry and Dee share tips to ensure it’s a happy time for the dogs in your life. And just in case your pet ingests something harmful … here’s the phone number for the ASPCA’s poison control center: 888.426.4435. Find additional tips on Dee’s Brown Dog Blog.