In today’s episode learn about Grace, the beautiful dog who was shot with a 12-gauge shotgun and survived. Check out Richmond Pet Lovers’ for more information. And what’s this about bird food for dogs? On a very serious note, our friend Luke Robinson’s Great Pyrenees, Murphy, has been diagnosed with cancer. After a grueling 2000+ mile walk from Austin to Boston over the last two years to put the spotlight on canine cancer, Murphy’s diagnosis was absolutely heart wrenching. Please consider donating to Murphy’s treatment. We love you Murphy!
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Bark Radio salutes two canine heroes in today’s episode. First there is Chief, a Pit Bull in the Philippines, who saved a grandmother and granddaughter from a Cobra. Then it’s back to the U.S. and another Pit Bull named Thor who saved his family from a fire that engulfed their home. Next, four paws way up to the State of Delaware for passing groundbreaking legislation: “The Delaware Companion Animal Protection Act mandates collaboration between shelters and rescue groups. A shelter cannot kill an animal if a rescue group is willing to save that animal’s life. But that is just the beginning. It also makes convenience killing illegal—shelters can no longer kill an animal when there are available cages or the animals can share a cage or kennel with another one.” And, last but definitely not least, Kentucky bikers teamed up with the humane society for a “2 Wheels 4 Paws” fundraiser.
Did you know that Mary Tyler Moore has a diabetic alert dog? And he’s is a pitbull. How cool is that? Next, Terry tells us about a natural cedar treatment for pests including fleas and ticks. The version for yards even turns snakes around and sends them scurrying the other way. And today’s vent is about Terry’s run-in with an idiot and a big lesson about how NOT to train a dog. Argh! And finally a tip of the hat to the Dingo, Australia’s wild dog.
A big shout out in today’s episode to Bark Radio pals Paul and Andrea and their wonderful world of Newfoundlands. That’s Gina and her puppies in the photo below. And our Bark Radio hats are off to another friend, Debbie, who is working as a volunteer with German Shepherd rescue. She has her very first foster dog, Max, a handsome 7-year-old GSD. Also, hear about Dee’s foster dog, Nani, a 5-year-old Lab.
Rather than protecting and serving, Richmond cop David Robinson was busted recently for dog fighting. What’s up with that? The good news is he lost his job and got 14 months in jail. Sadly many of the dogs this horrible man had on his property were not lucky enough to survive. This story leads to a discussion of Breed Specific Legislation and a reminder to judge the deed not the breed. The conversation ends on a positive note: good people doing great things for dogs, including Rescue Ink and Best Friends Animal Society.
Hear Bark Radio’s update on Oliver the Pit – including his move to the Big Apple. Then there’s the Richmond SPCA – Pasadena Humane Society Chihuahua air lift. And have you heard about Powder? If you haven’t, you need to know about him. He’s an amazing canine survivor. Another need-to-know-about: ROCK (Rescue of Chained K9s). And if you are in central Virginia, mark your calendar for August 7. Bark Radio and lot of our pals will be at Dogs Day at Goochland Church, 2454 Manakin Road, Manikin-Sabot, VA, 10:00am-2:00pm.
Today’s episode starts with some new summer time warnings to keep your dogs safe, then goes right into cancer fighting foods like blueberries and green tea. Next, does your dog get car sick? If so, you’ll want to know about this natural remedy to make road trips a happy time. And who knew there was so many new products related to what comes out of Fido. It seems dog poop is becoming really big business. Did you know there is a composting system specifically designed for dog waste? Then there is the Doggy Doo Drain, poop freeze, and even an indoor potty solution for dogs. Wowzer!
Bark Radio salutes military working dogs in this Memorial Day special edition. Have you heard of the war dog memorial at Hartsdale Pet Cemetery in New York? How about canine hero Sergeant Stubby? And then there is Silver Star and Purple Heart winner canine Chips. Chips’ original citation read: “For a special brand of courage, arising from love of master and duty. Chips’ courageous act, single-handedly eliminating a dangerous machine-gun nest, reflects the highest credit on himself and the military service.” Sadly, Chips was then stripped of his medals and ultimately died of his war injuries. Like so many before and after him, Chips gave his all.
Holy mackerel, paper shredders are dangerous to your dog. Hear why in today’s episode. Next, someone has finally come up with a use for dog hair! And what’s this about Cardiac Friends? Heart rehab patients are walking dogs in Wisconsin. And finally, did you know there are behavioral side effects of canine thyroid disorder and there is herbal support for canine diabetes?
Today’s Bark Radio episode finds Dee attending a three-day training seminar. Ian Dunbar’s positive dog training methods changed the world of dog training a couple of decades ago. Now he’s back on the lecture circuit spreading the word about lure-reward training for dogs. Learn more at Dog Star Daily and on Dunbar’s internet TV show, America’s Dog Trainer. Great stuff for all dog lovers. Thanks, Ian!!