Out to Pasture Sanctuary, a hospice in Oregon, absolutely rocks. Kit Collins is an extraordinary woman doing heroic work. Learn all about it and consider donating to Out to Pasture … for the love of animals everywhere. Check out the video. Another of our favorite organizations is on the move. Rolling Dog Ranch is moving from Montana to New Hampshire. If you live in NH you can be a volunteer! And finally, Georgia bans the gas chamber. ‘Bout time!
Archive for the 'Podcasts' Category
Terry’s all about speed sports. After all, he has Surrey the Cattle Dog to keep exercised and happy. He ordered a lure coursing machine from Pat Bennett and the next thing you know Pat’s doing an interview with Bark Radio. Why? Because too few people know about this sport. Tune in and learn how this chase game works.
Courage. It’s an appropriate name of the brave German Shepherd who was nearly starved to death by his owner. This boy is in a foster home now, slowly gaining weight and the use of his atrophied muscles. The good news in today’s episode: Virginia’s governor is pushing for better dog laws. Thank you, Governor McDonnell! Finally, Terry and Dee encourage their listeners to step up to the plate and do SOMETHING positive in the dog world. Volunteer, folks. It’s important!
When we talk about rescue dogs, does everyone listening even know what they are? In this episode of Bark Radio, Dee and Terry talk about who they are, where they come from, how to get one, and how to care for one. Rescue dogs rock!
Hear all about Hector, the former Vick dog. He’s a therapy dog now. GO Hector! And what happened to that bunny eared Easter special, anyhow? Learn what’s going on at Bark Radio these days.
As the seasons change, so do your dogs’ needs. Timely tips include keeping those dogs hydrated, out of hot cars, away from toxic plants, and lots more. And never, EVER buy chocolate mulch or let your dogs anywhere near it. It’s TOXIC!!
Austin City Council approved the proposal to allow Austin Pets Alive to oversee pet adoptions. This is a win-win in the battle for a no-kill nation. Then there’s this: bad guys beware. Try to jack the wrong car and you might just meet up with a dog like Victor. And what, you ask, is a Murphy Mile??? Murphy is 1/3 of 2 Dogs 2000 Miles. Luke and his dogs Hudson and Murphy are almost finished with their walk from Austin to Boston for canine cancer. Murphy was sidelined a couple of times, so he’s short about 500 miles. Learn how to help him catch up with Luke and Hudson! And finally in today’s episode the co-hosts share their Woof and Worship experience.
The Sparky and Surrey agility saga continues with behavior updates from Terry. Next, this warning: beware of bad people who might just steal YOUR dog. The co-hosts also share a some of the green vegetables that are healthy for your dog. Last but not least, Dee is fostering her very first dog from Lab Rescue. Hear about Nani’s battle of the bulge and the possibility of going from rescue dog to service dog.
A tip of the hat to all things Irish from Bark Radio! Oh those Irish dogs. You know about the Irish Setter and the Irish Wolfhound. But did you know the Wheaton Terrier is Irish? How about the Kerry Beagle? Yup. Ireland has its very own hound dog. AND, Ireland has its own unique dog sports. Learn all about them in today’s episode. And remember … everyone’s Irish on March 17!
Day in and day out we see the effect of bad, wrong-headed, and ineffective laws on dogs everywhere. What can we animal lovers do to make change happen? Bark Radio co-hosts Terry and Dee discuss the Justice Project which will ultimately allow for swift response to specific dog issues. And have you heard about what Luke and The Boys are up to after Boston? What’s this about 2 million dogs?