Learn why you should include a muzzle in your canine emergency kit exactly what Cheez Whiz has to do with it. Next, hear all about Maxi, the Halti head harness, and hands free leash work with an over-the-shoulder leash. Check out the amazing leather leashes (harnesses and collars, too) at Bold Lead Designs.
Archive for the 'Training' Category
Terry went on the road recently and had a blast at the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants’ annual conference. Hear Terry talk about animal intervention therapy that Dr. Aubrey Fine implemented decades ago. Then there was the session about what to feed your dog. Unfortunately, no new conclusions were shared in that one. But … training all kinds of critters including those giant hissing cockroaches was way fun!
Bark Radio caught up with Best Friends’ Sherry Woodard recently. Sherry is a leader in assisting individuals and shelter and rescue personnel with animal behavior, management and enrichment. Among other things, she has created an amazing program for select rescues to be trained as service dogs or search and rescue dogs. Thanks for talking with us, Sherry!
Ian Dunbar pulls no punches as he rocks the air waves once again on Bark Radio. What does he advise? Train your puppy. Why? Because Ian Dunbar says so, that why! And because your dog needs to know the house rules from the very beginning AND because training is FUN!! And if you don’t train your puppy, that sweet baby may very well become a shelter dog before he’s a year old. And that is why there is Shelter Dog Prevention Month. Think about it: shelter dogs were once puppies. How do those lovable puppies go from being the apple of someone’s eye to being homeless? Ian tells you how it happens and how you can prevent it. Listen up, dog lovers. Share this episode of Bark Radio with everyone you know who has a puppy or is getting a puppy. And go to Ian’s site, Dog Star Daily. You will find tons of free information there: books, videos, blogs, podcasts, and more. Meet and learn from the “father of positive dog training” himself at one of his 2011 seminars, “Science-Based Dog Training (with Feeling)” and for all you dog professionals out there, “SIRIUS Academy”.
Dee and Terry talked with Ian Dunbar during the first of his new round of seminars in the U.S. Dunbar, the master of lure-reward training, shares his wealth of knowledge in this, his “Science-Based Dog Training with Feeling” series. Dunbar is also talks about his contribution to Cesar Millan’s new book, Cesar’s Rules, a comprehensive look at dog training. To learn more, visit Dog Star Daily for training/behavior videos, books, and articles.
Eric Bellows is a man on a mission. His mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and find forever homes for dogs. Many of Eric’s dogs are what he refers to as “power” breeds. Eric lives with and loves his dogs on 25 acres in upstate New York. He tells us there are no kennels or crates there. Eric’s dogs live as a pack – eating, sleeping and playing together with their humans. Visit Pack Ethic’s website and Eric’s YouTube channel. You will be inspired. And if his name sounds familiar, Eric is one of the great guys from Rescue Ink.
Today’s Bark Radio episode finds Dee attending a three-day training seminar. Ian Dunbar’s positive dog training methods changed the world of dog training a couple of decades ago. Now he’s back on the lecture circuit spreading the word about lure-reward training for dogs. Learn more at Dog Star Daily and on Dunbar’s internet TV show, America’s Dog Trainer. Great stuff for all dog lovers. Thanks, Ian!!
Austin Pets Alive isn’t proposing taking over the entire operation of their local shelter after all. Learn more in today’s episode. Next, Terry and Dee talk about some interesting collars available for our dogs. Can your dog Tweet? Mattel’s new product will help with that. Next there’s the vibrating collar for deaf dogs. Sweet! And then there’s the GPS device from DogTracs that attaches to your dog’s collar. With this one, you create a virtual fence and when your dog wanders out of that area, you get a text message with Fido’s location.
Bark Radio’s Dee Bogetti just published her puppy book: Puppies chew shoes, don’t they? In today’s episode, Terry and Dee discuss why the book’s subtitle is “a user’s manual for people with puppies”. Dee says “this is not a training book but rather a way to successfully prepare for a new puppy.” The book is available online at lulu.com.
Bad things sometimes happen to good dogs. Terry and Dee discuss the Chesterfield, VA animal control officer who shot a 10-year-old Beagle – in front of the Beagle’s family. Here’s the online story. Have an opinion on this one? You can send an email to Chesterfield County Animal Control. Mr. Donald Rose is the officer’s supervisor. Or call and speak your mind: 804.748.1683. From bad bad dog news, the co-hosts move on to a happier subject. Reviewing DogSport magazine, they learn about …. not yoga, but Doga. And finally, get the facts about canine cancer from the Morris Animal Foundation. Need a new tag for your poochie? A dollar from each of these goes to the MAF.