In today’s episode learn about Grace, the beautiful dog who was shot with a 12-gauge shotgun and survived. Check out Richmond Pet Lovers’ for more information. And what’s this about bird food for dogs? On a very serious note, our friend Luke Robinson’s Great Pyrenees, Murphy, has been diagnosed with cancer. After a grueling 2000+ mile walk from Austin to Boston over the last two years to put the spotlight on canine cancer, Murphy’s diagnosis was absolutely heart wrenching. Please consider donating to Murphy’s treatment. We love you Murphy!
Archive for the 'Dog Food' Category
Terry and Dee talk about the fundraiser at Cold Stone Creamery to benefit Canine Companions for Independence. Hear about the latest Nutro recall. Beware of hard hats in dog food! And dog jobs: dogs diagnosing cancer. And sniffing out bed bugs. Wow! Are doggy unions coming next? And, finally, listen up insurance companies: service dogs are part of preventative health care.
Terry and Dee discuss service dogs for veterans with post-traumatic stress syndrome. Dogs are also being trained for individuals with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and anxiety disorders. Awesome successes! Next, Terry shares his experience with putting his dogs on raw diets. Check out Dr. Tracy Lord’s site for more information about homemade diets and suggested vitamin supplements.
Allergies are one of the most common problems in dogs, with food and fleas being two of the top causes. In addition, just like humans, when dogs breathe in things like pollen, they can develop itchy, irritated skin. Allergic reactions can be seasonal or year round. Signs of allergies in dogs:
- Chewing of feet
- Discoloration of fur on feet (saliva staining)
- Hair loss
- Hot and reddened skin around face, feet, armpits and groin
- Scabby skin
If you suspect allergies, your veterinarian can run a blood test to determine what is causing your pet to itch.
When Murphy developed a rash on his tummy, my wonderful country vet recommended switching his food first – before going to the expense of allergy tests. She suggested reading labels and finding a food with no beef, corn,or wheat (most common food allergies in dogs). I switched both dogs to a new food, the rash went away, and the bonus – my dogs’ coats are gorgeous!