Dee and Terry discuss service dogs including guide dogs for the blind, hearing , seizure-alert , austism , diabetic alert, and skilled companion dogs. Learn about the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as the difference between a service or assistance dog and a therapy dog. Is there a national certification program for service dogs? Listen in and find out. Learn about a great organization, Canine Companions for Independence, that provides specific types of service dogs to eligible individuals. Need information about diabetic alert dogs? Start here:
Archive for the 'Podcasts' Category
Dee and Terry talk about Kat Simons from Lite 98, CCI dogs, diabetic alert dogs, and their I’m Tired of Animal Cruelty bracelets , Terry talks about how he “dog proofed” the ant traps
Dee and Terry discuss how to choose the right dog for your family. They talk about everything from allergies to dog toys to boarding and dog sitters. Looking for a positive dog trainer? Go to
Okay, Bark Radio listeners, we do from time to time get ahead of ourselves with special events and interviews. That’s the case with this, Episode 16. This is where you will hear our first mention of Hudson, Murphy and Luke of – oops – after our interview with one of them and even after an update from puppy Mommy, Ginger. But that’s okay. If you haven’t listened to those interviews, do it now. They’re great! Also in this episode, learn about a new venue for Dee and her therapy dog, Murphy – the local domestic violence shelter. And do you know what a crisis therapy dog is? Listen and find out. This information-filled episode also includes one of Terry’s favorites, the Military Working Dogs Cooling Vest Project and, finally, a bit of diatribe about puppy mills. More on that subject in future episodes.
Terry learned that in California, when it’s budget cutting time, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger considers shortening wait periods for shelter dogs an easy way to save the state money. Learn why we’re so outraged, then write to the Terminator and let him know that an earlier death sentence (three days instead of six) for domestic animals is not okay. Next, join the discussion. How do we bring rescue groups together to more efficiently match dogs and people? And finally, don’t miss the interview with Ceasar’s momma Jamie Whitt. This is an incredible story of the rescue of one very sweet Pit Bull.
A Conversation with Tom McPhee
Many of us watched in horror – from a safe distance – the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Tom McPhee was there. He witnessed the tragedy that befell those who called the Gulf Coast home. Including the animals. Especially the dogs and cats who were suddenly not only homeless … but helpless. Filmmaker McPhee has created a powerful statement about that time – about the heroes and villains who were there and who walk among us. Join us in a conversation with Tom. And when An American Opera: The Greatest Pet Rescue Ever! comes to your city or town, see it. And remember … it could happen again.
Puppy up, Bark Radio listeners!
Luke is somewhere in Texas but WE got to talk to Hudson and Murphy’s Mommy, Ginger yesterday. The Boys are staying with her in Tennessee while they recuperate from a bit of surgery. Don’t know what the heck we’re talking about? Then listen to our May interview with Luke and visit And you absolutely have to follow The Boys on Twitter. You can follow Luke, too, but come on … The Boys (two very handsome Great Pyrenees) are tweeting with paws. Woofs and wags and paws way up for everyone involved with 2dogs2000miles!
Dee and Terry discuss Hanover County’s Woof, Wag and Walk event, Rescue Remedy for dogs, Winston the Australian Terrier, Nutro dog food, and turkey jerky from China – the FDA investigation. Also mentioned in this espisode: Scruffy’s Spaw Picks and Frontline for less.
Dee and Terry discuss a cool website, and some terrific folks helping some great causes at They also talk about K9 Grass and tick control. Think green. Think guinea hens.
Recorded live at Woofstock 2009 in Richmond VA.
What is Woofstock?
Woofstock is the Richmond Animal League’s fundraising festival to build awareness for the homeless pet population. Their mission of saving lives by providing hope, help, and homes for animals in need. RAL’s goal is to be the leader in providing homeless animals with temporary housing, medical treatment, sterilization, and quality care until they are adopted to permanent, loving homes. They are committed to the no-kill doctrine and promoted it through educational programs that teach the importance of spay/neuter, responsible pet ownership, and compassion for companion animals. Special thanks to everyone who took time to speak with us both on and off the air, including Dick Samuels, publisher of Family Dog Digest.