Bark Radio

We’re not done until every dog has a home.

Archive for the 'Podcasts' Category

Episode 11

Author: BarkRadio
May 28, 2009

Bark Radio co-hosts Dee and Terry discuss Portuguese Water Dogs and specifically first dog, Bo. After a brief hello from Surrey the Cattle Dog, they discuss the Paws to Read therapy dog program. Next, the broadcast is interrupted when two mischievous Australian Cattle Dogs get into the ant poison.  Listen to the outcome, including a call to the ASPCA’s poison control center (888.426.4435). Put this toll-free phone number in all your phones’ NOW! It could save your animals’ lives.


ASPCA Poison Control Center

ASPCA Poison Control Center


Episode 10

Author: BarkRadio
May 26, 2009

Dee and Terry talk about Jamie Whitt and Caesar the Pit Bull. Based on Caesar’s horrendous injuries, it is believed he was a bait dog in a dog fighting ring. Jamie rescued him and his new life, full of loving humans,  began. Life’s Journey Therapy Dog Team is for seasoned therapy dog teams and newbies alike. Peek into a world where the human/animal bond is the key to everything. Catch up with Winston the Australian Terrier, get a tea tree oil update, and what’s that about 2guineahens and

That’s Caesar above, with rescuer Jamie Whitt.
And here are the links to therapy dog registering organizations in the U.S.:
Therapy Dogs Inc. Therapy Dog International Delta Society

May 21, 2009

This episode was taped during a therapy dog visit to Covenant Woods, an elder-care facility and features an interview with Shannon Marling, Recreation Therapist and Manager of Recreation for H&W. Shannon is responsible for the animal therapy program at the facility.

Episode 8

Author: BarkRadio
May 19, 2009

Dee and Terry reflect on their recent interview with Luke from 2dogs2000miles. Other topics include pet safe carpets, dog foods and veggies for dogs.

Luke, Hudson, and Murphy -

Luke, Hudson, and Murphy -

Dee and Terry interview Luke from 2dogs2000miles.  With every step they take, Luke and The Boys have a goal – to educate. The subject? Canine cancer. The goal? Bring dog lovers everywhere together in one voice to ask the tough questions: What causes canine cancer? Why isn’t more research being done? Why can’t the human cancer researchers join ranks with the canine cancer researchers? Listen as Luke tells of the event that changed his life forever. And follow Luke, Hudson, and Murphy on Twitter as they make their way from Austin to Boston. Thank you for sharing this journey of the heart with us, Luke. Woofs & wags!

Luke, Hudson and Murphy

May 14, 2009

Dee and Terry talk about their visit to Covenant Woods, including the conflict between Sparky and Murphy. Terry’s first movie review is for the animated dog movie Bolt. And finally, a Winston update from Dee.

May 12, 2009

Radio frequency in-ground electric fences are discussed in depth. Dee and Terry share their experiences, giving good and bad examples and ask the big question … is this type of fence right for your dog?


May 10, 2009

Terry, Dee, and lots of doggy friends attended the Richmond SPCA’s annual Dog Jog fundraiser earlier this spring. This was the first of many remote broadcasts for listeners at Bark Radio. Woofs & wags!

Richmond SPCA

May 7, 2009

What dog breed is right for you? Today Terry and Dee talk about Australian Cattle Dogs. Learn more about the breed from the Australian Cattle Dog Association of America. Looking to adopt a cattle dog? Start with a breed rescue group like ACDRA. Remember … all dogs deserve a forever home.


May 5, 2009

Terry and Dee discuss everything from bee stings to house plants in this episode about things that can harm or be toxic to your dogs. Hear about Sparky and the rack of ribs and Maggie and the bee she swallowed.  Cocoa mulch? Whose bright idea was that? Oh, and make sure those rawhide chews are made in the U.S. or Canada. The ASPCA has a comprehensive list of plants that are toxic to Fido. And remember to post your local emergency vet’s phone number on your frig and include it in your contacts on your cell phone. Finally, the ASPCA has a 24-hour emergency poison hotline at 1-888-426-4435.
