Sheriff Joe Arpaio is TOO COOL! Hear all about his innovative use of a prison. It’s a win-win for animals, prisoners, and the budget. From hero to villain, the next story falls under the heading “what the heck is wrong with people?” as a girl is videotaped throwing puppies into a river. Then there is the disturbing trend of some foster pets being abandoned. And, finally, who is Stu (or is it Stew?)
Archive for the 'Rescue' Category
Why are so many people considering their dogs disposable? Get a dog, dump a dog? Millions of dogs are surrendered to rescues annually with up to 4 million being euthanized EVERY SINGLE YEAR. Why does this epidemic exist? Part of it is the economy. Is there help for folks who are struggling financially? In many communities, yes. Check with your local shelter to see if a program exists that can help with vaccinations and even food. Behavior problems? Enlist a trainer. Considering bringing a dog into your home? Think carefully about the long-term commitment required.
A big shout out in today’s episode to Bark Radio pals Paul and Andrea and their wonderful world of Newfoundlands. That’s Gina and her puppies in the photo below. And our Bark Radio hats are off to another friend, Debbie, who is working as a volunteer with German Shepherd rescue. She has her very first foster dog, Max, a handsome 7-year-old GSD. Also, hear about Dee’s foster dog, Nani, a 5-year-old Lab.
Eric Bellows is a man on a mission. His mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and find forever homes for dogs. Many of Eric’s dogs are what he refers to as “power” breeds. Eric lives with and loves his dogs on 25 acres in upstate New York. He tells us there are no kennels or crates there. Eric’s dogs live as a pack – eating, sleeping and playing together with their humans. Visit Pack Ethic’s website and Eric’s YouTube channel. You will be inspired. And if his name sounds familiar, Eric is one of the great guys from Rescue Ink.
Robin Starr, CEO of the Richmond SPCA, shares the details of the recent Chihuahua airlift with Terry and Dee in today’s episode of Bark Radio. Learn why it was necessary, who was involved, and how the Richmond dog community responded to the arrival of 20+ wee dogs from California.
Richmond SPCA
2519 Hermitage Road, Richmond, VA 23220
(804) 521-1319
Today’s Bark Radio guest is Cathy Smith. Cathy is up to her ears in Greyhound rescue in Rochester, New York. Learn all about this amazing breed, a little about their racing lives, and a lot about the wonderful system in place to re-home as many as possible when their racing days are done. Thanks to Cathy for sharing so much fascinating information based on her life with these dogs who, in her words, are born to run. That’s Cathy and her four-pack below. Top right is Sidd, bottom right is Azure.
When we talk about rescue dogs, does everyone listening even know what they are? In this episode of Bark Radio, Dee and Terry talk about who they are, where they come from, how to get one, and how to care for one. Rescue dogs rock!
If you are an animal lover living anywhere near Austin, Texas … today’s episode is a must-listen for you. Ellen Jefferson, president of Austin Pets Alive talked with Terry and Dee recently about her organization’s attempts to make Austin a no-kill city. What does that mean? No-kill is a philosophy in which savable animals are not put to death. It limits euthanasia to animals who are irremediably suffering or vicious. Make a difference right now by joining the Austin No-Kill Coalition. You can keep up with the national no-kill organization at No Kill Nation.
Today’s episode finds Terry and Dee discussing Austin’s Town Lake Animal Center, a shelter with a dreadful kill rate. 6,161 dogs and cats were euthanized there in 2009. The good news: Austin Pets Alive, a local nonprofit, has stepped up to make Austin a no-kill city. And what’s that about Rachael Ray’s dog attacking someone? After setting the record straight on that one, the discussion moves to Terry’s volunteer experience at Bark, a Richmond rescue group and the Richmond Animal League’s new spay/neuter clinic.
When this episode of Bark Radio was recorded, the disappearance of 14 dogs in from Canine Hope Rescue in Tennessee was in the news. Terry and Dee discuss this situation as it existed then and will continue to update listeners in future episodes. The most tragic story in the news, however, is Haiti. Best Friends Animal Society is part of the Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti. The coalition was formed to meet the needs of animals affected by the earthquake. Learn how you can help! And on a lighter note, listeners are invited to nominate Bark Radio as Richmond’s Best Kept Secret.