The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Federal law, Fort Bliss and Assistance Dogs International make for a crazy mix of information – none of it good news for members of the military who have or need a service dog. First there is the issue of the VA refusing to pay for veterans’ psychiatric service dogs, commonly known as PTSD dogs. For pretty good understanding of this issue, read NBC’s article “VA won’t cover costs of service dogs assigned for PTSD treatment”. Next, Federal law. On August 6, 2012, President Obama signed into law the “Honoring America’s Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012”. The two parts of this act referred to in its name are good news for the military and fairly well publicized. However, buried in the 45-page document is this: “SEC. 109. USE OF SERVICE DOGS ON PROPERTY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. Section 901 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: H. R. 1627—11. ‘(f)(1) The Secretary may not prohibit the use of a covered service dog in any facility or on any property of the Department or in any facility or on any property that receives funding from the Secretary.’ and ‘(2) For purposes of this subsection, a covered service dog is a service dog that has been trained by an entity that is accredited by an appropriate accrediting body that evaluates and accredits organizations which train guide or service dogs.’’. Next, Fort Bliss. Read the Dog Law Reporter’s post called “Fort Bliss Adopts Draconian Measures to Enforce Army’s Service Dog Policy” to get a good feel for the sheer insanity of the Fort Bliss policy. And finally, Assistance Dogs International. Somewhere along the line, the military decided somebody has to accredit service dogs working alongside military personnel. Because there is no other option, they chose ADI. This episode of Bark Radio is about why that makes no sense. In all this mess there is one truth. The people who lose are those who have given the most: active duty and retired military who need service dogs to enhance the quality of their lives and help them through each and every day.
Archive for the 'Service Dog' Category
Dogs for Veterans. Help Terry make his dream come true. That dream is to train rescue dogs to become service dogs – for veterans with PTSD. He has the land. Now he needs the money to put up the buildings. Hear all about it in today’s episode of Bark Radio. We will be doing online fundraising for 36 hours next week. Come out and join us for fundraising events at Daylight Donuts, Quaker Steak and Lube or Richmond Harley Davidson.
September 15th
Richmond Harley Davidson Open House 12:00 – 5:00 PM
September 19th – 20th
The Amazing Raise. If you donate on the Amazing Raise website, we are listed under “ManyPaths Animal Rescue” which is the parent organization of Dogs for Veterans. Below are fundraiser location details or you can participate on-line. Click here to donate in support of Dogs for Veterans in the Amazing Raise!
Wednesday, September 19th
6:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Daylight Donuts, 10260 W. Broad St., Glen Allen, VA 23060
4:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Quaker Steak and Lube, 8000 W. Broad St., Richmond, VA 23294
Thursday, September 20th
4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Richmond Harley Davidson, 10441 Washington Hwy., Glen Allen, VA 23059
Raffle Prizes, Boka Tako Truck, Mister Softee, and the Slack Family Bluegrass Band!
Service dogs rock. They help their people every single day. In today’s episode of Bark Radio, Terry and Dee talk about the many kinds of service dogs. Learn about people with invisible disabilities and the dogs who help them. Among the kinds of service dogs: post traumatic stress (like beautiful Kim, the PTS dog in the picture below), autism, diabetic alert, seizure, traumatic brain injury. More information is available at Service Dog 411.
In the United States, the rights of individuals and their service dogs are provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act via the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice. Apparently these rights are not made clear to employees of United Airlines. Recently, Jim Stanek and his service dog, Sarge, were accosted by employees of United at DC’s Dulles Airport. Stanek is a veteran. He did three tours in Iraq. He has Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and a Traumatic Brain Injury. He is the co-founder with his wife, Lindsey, of Paws and Stripes, an organization created to help other veterans with PTSD (with or without Traumatic Brain Injury) partner with their own service dogs. His treatment while traveling back to his home through Dulles was unbelievable and must NEVER happen again to ANYONE traveling with a service dog. Bark Radio co-hosts Terry and Dee recently joined Sue Kindred, president of Service Dog 411, in starting a petition to be delivered to the top guy at United Airlines. Please help us gather 25,000 signatures in protest of this veteran’s treatment by United employees. Sign the petition here. Thank you!
Learn why you should include a muzzle in your canine emergency kit exactly what Cheez Whiz has to do with it. Next, hear all about Maxi, the Halti head harness, and hands free leash work with an over-the-shoulder leash. Check out the amazing leather leashes (harnesses and collars, too) at Bold Lead Designs.
Dog rescue groups are in the business of saving, re-homing, and sometimes even re-jobbing dogs, right? Well, not always. Too often there seems to be a disconnect among individuals within the rescue world. Misinformation abounds. Hear Terry’s personal experience relating to a Kim, a service dog in need of a new home. That’s Kim in the photo below. More about her journey in a future episode of Bark Radio.
Marcus Luttrell’s book, Lone Survivor, tells the story of his four-member Navy SEAL team. He was the only survivor of a mission into Afghanistan and Pakistan called Operation Redwing. Luttrell retired from the Marines in 2007. In 2009 tragedy struck this decorated soldier. His dog, DASY, was shot dead outside Luttrell’s home. Finally, the men who killed his dog went to trial. Learn the outcome on today’s episode of Bark Radio. ::: Military Working Dogs (MWDs) were long considered property by the military. Thanks to Bill Clinton, that changed in 2000. However, more change is needed. Toward that end, two members of the U.S. House of Representatives recently introduced H.R. 4103/2134: the Canine Members of the Armed Forces Act. Help make this bill a reality by writing or calling your representative and senators and ask them to co-sponsor H.R. 4103. Do it for the dogs. And do it for their handlers.
Wow, a service dog for an young man with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome – how amazing is that? You HAVE to read this article. This incredible Golden Retriever has changed a family’s life forever, thanks to Karen Shirk and her organization, 4 Paws for Ability.
The one that got away: On Toby’s Terms. The interview was scheduled with author Charmaine Hammond but somehow the phone connection, Canada to the U.S., didn’t work. Soon, very soon, we will talk with Charmaine about this great dog and share that interview with our listeners. Next up: Many Paths, Terry’s dream, is coming true. Where will his nonprofit begin? With a shelter to service dog program. Specifically Psych Dogs for Veterans with PTSD. Rock on, Terry! And Dee has a new project as well. Check out her quarterly online magazine, Woofs ‘n Wags. It all about dogs and the people who love them. The theme of the first issue is Breed Specific Legislation. It’s going to be a big year here at Bark Radio. Don’t miss a single episode!