Far too often these days stories emerge about poorly trained service dogs. Whether it’s a service dog sent off to the classroom with a child far too young to be a dog handler or a service dog delivered to a family obviously unable to do the job they paid high dollars for, the end result is never good. Why does this happen? One reason is there is no certification process for service dogs in the U.S. The Americans with Disabilities Act opened the door for service animals in public. Now it’s time to set a national standard. Dee and Terry discuss all of this and more in today’s episode of Bark Radio.
Archive for the 'Products' Category
Austin Pets Alive isn’t proposing taking over the entire operation of their local shelter after all. Learn more in today’s episode. Next, Terry and Dee talk about some interesting collars available for our dogs. Can your dog Tweet? Mattel’s new product will help with that. Next there’s the vibrating collar for deaf dogs. Sweet! And then there’s the GPS device from DogTracs that attaches to your dog’s collar. With this one, you create a virtual fence and when your dog wanders out of that area, you get a text message with Fido’s location.
HB429 tanked in Virginia’s General Assembly. Why do Dee and Terry care? Why should Bark Radio listeners care? Because NOT changing the language in the existing law amounts to Virginia agreeing that breed specific legislation is a good thing. It’s NOT! Here’s the existing paragraph from the bill with the new language that should have passed italicized:
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Such animal may be euthanized in accordance with the methods approved by the State Veterinarian or disposed of by the methods set forth in subdivisions 1 through 5. However, no pound may euthanize, or prohibit the adoption of, any dog based solely on breed. No pound shall release more than two animals or a family of animals during any 30-day period to any one person under subdivisions 2, 3, or 4.
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That proposed language simply states that dogs should not be killed because of the way they look. Have some spare time? Read the bill in its entirety. And here’s who voted for and against. Yes: Knight, Shuler, James, Sickles–4. No: Lohr, Orrock, Marshall, D.W., Poindexter, Bell, Richard P.–5. Talk to your delegate. Contact those who voted yes and thank them. Contact those who voted no and express your displeasure.
Bark Radio co-hosts Terry and Dee talk in today’s episode about programs that move animals from point A to point B and ultimately to forever homes. Check out Pilots n Paws. Theses great folks fly dogs all over the country. Bravo! Then there’s ground transport. Terry and his wife, Vickie, recently drove a leg of a ground transport for Catahoula Leopard Dog through the Rescue Railroad. That’s the beautiful pup, below. Last but not least: beware of products for your animals that are made in China!
Terry and Dee update listeners on wonderful Ray, a former Vick Pit Bull living at Best Friends. He passed his Canine Good Citizen test and is waiting for his forever home. Congratulations Ray and bravo Best Friends! And have you heard of Oreo’s Law? Oreo’s tragic story may result in a NY law that will protect dogs in the future, another step toward a no-kill nation. Oh, and SHAME ON THE ASPCA FOR EUTHANIZING OREO!!!! And finally the co-hosts share tips for keeping your dogs safe during the winter months.
Don’t miss this interview with Luke Robinson who is walking from Austin to Boston with his two Great Pyrenees, Hudson and Murphy. It’s all about raising awareness about canine cancer. Luke shares with Bark Radio listeners details of the march on Washington, DC on September 18. Dee and Terry and their dogs will be there. Will you? Stay updated on www.2dogs2000miles.org.
Product reviews are on the agenda in this episode of Bark Radio. Terry and Dee talk about clickers for clicker training, an automatic water bowl, and a concept car – the dog friendly Honda Element.
Dee and Terry talk about Drooly Dogs and cosmetic surgery. Surrey’s got an infection that’s making her grumpy and that is causing issues at daycare. Then there are cool doggy water bottles and Billy the rescued Newfoundland who is blind in one eye.
Okay, Bark Radio listeners, we do from time to time get ahead of ourselves with special events and interviews. That’s the case with this, Episode 16. This is where you will hear our first mention of Hudson, Murphy and Luke of 2Dogs2000miles.org – oops – after our interview with one of them and even after an update from puppy Mommy, Ginger. But that’s okay. If you haven’t listened to those interviews, do it now. They’re great! Also in this episode, learn about a new venue for Dee and her therapy dog, Murphy – the local domestic violence shelter. And do you know what a crisis therapy dog is? Listen and find out. This information-filled episode also includes one of Terry’s favorites, the Military Working Dogs Cooling Vest Project and, finally, a bit of diatribe about puppy mills. More on that subject in future episodes.
Dee and Terry discuss Hanover County’s Woof, Wag and Walk event, Rescue Remedy for dogs, Winston the Australian Terrier, Nutro dog food, and turkey jerky from China – the FDA investigation. Also mentioned in this espisode: Scruffy’s Spaw Picks and Frontline for less.